Thank you for your interest in the Dream Center Esperanza Building Fund. We are currently raising the necessary funds to both rent and renovate the new home of Dream Center Esperanza which we have rented for 3 years.
Over the years we have longed deeply for a permanent place for Dream Center Esperanza: a place that we could call home, one that we could fully shape for our purposes, one that would allow us to grow our mission. By God’s grace, we now have the opportunity to rent a building and finally put down roots in the municipality of Arecibo.
In order to make this building our home, we need to raise a significant amount of money. Many generous donors have already given us a substantial amount towards our Building Fund, but we need additional funds to move on with the project.
Altogether with previous donations and pledges we now have $10,000 raised and pledged for the Building Fund. We would like to raise another $25,000 to finalize the building project. We still have a long way to go and we would be very grateful for your continued support and donations! Please send your checks to Dream Center Esperanza (P.O. Box 2684, Arecibo PR 00613-2684), or use the button below to set up online payments. As for payment, please choose EFT if possible, as that is low fees, whereas card payments cost us an added 3% charge.
Your pledge or gift will help us greatly as we budget. It will take away some of the ongoing financial pressures, free us to make improvements to the building, and enable us to move forward with our vision.
Thank you for investing in Dream Center Esperanza, and for helping our mission to carry on so that we can be there for children and families now, as well as for future generations.